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BM EA 571

by Vanodif 2014. 7. 15.

Museum number



Full: Front

Limestone stela of Khu (?): the decoration consists of four scenes. The upper two scenes both consist of an offering prayer to Osiris or Khentimentiu ("foremost of the westerners") with an offering scene below. The first of these scenes shows a couple, the steward Zahathor and his wife Khu receiving offerings from a son, also a steward, named Zamenkhet. The lower of the pair of scenes shows another couple, the steward Zaamun and his wife Khu, offered to by a servant named Sehetepu. The inverted mirror under the chair of the couples should be noted. The third register shows three couples; in each case the woman has her arm around the man. They are a son named Ameny with his wife Zatwoser, a son and priest named Senwosret with his wife Zatmontju, and another son, the steward Amenemhat and his mother Bet. The final scene shows six figures of both sexes carrying various foodstuffs and other offerings for the persons shown on the stela; their titles include servant, serving man, and butcher. Presumably they are dependants of the major personages.



